Outside-in Activation

Outside-in activation requires that the user choose an explicit activation command. Clicking, or some other selection operation, performed on an object that is already selected simply reselects that object and does not constitute an explicit action. The user activates the object by using a particular command such as Edit or Play, usually the object's default command. Shortcut actions that correspond to these commands, such as double-clicking or pressing a shortcut key, can also activate the object. Most OLE container applications employ this model because it allows the user to easily select objects and reduces the risk of inadvertently activating an object whose underlying code may take a significant amount of time to load and dismiss.

When supporting outside-in activation, display the standard pointer (northwest arrow) over an outside-in activated object within your container when the object is selected, but inactive. This indicates to the user that the outside-in object behaves as a single, opaque object. When the user activates the object, the object's application displays the appropriate pointer for its content. Use the registry to determine the object's activation command.