- Makes full and correct use of the registry, including registration of file extensions, file types, and icons
- Avoids use of Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, or initialization (.INI) files
- Supports and registers entries for Print and Print To interfaces for file types that are printable
- Provides and registers icons in 32-x 32-, 16-x 16-, and 48-x 48- pixel sizes for application, and all document and data file types (in both color and monochrome versions)
- Registers file types supported under the system's New command
- Uses system interfaces when adding property pages for types
- Supports long filenames and universal naming convention (UNC) paths, where files are used
- Displays filenames correctly
- Follows appropriate conventions when using the taskbar to support notification and status information
- Supports appropriate behavior for creating and integrating scrap objects
- Follows guidelines for installation
- Provides an uninstall program
- Provides appropriate support for network installation
- Supports all OLE user interface guidelines, including transfer interfaces (drag and drop and nondefault drag and drop), pop-up menus, and property sheets for OLE embedded and linked objects