Description This command reports the full range of information available, including the information that is provided by the service provider.

Input Param None.

Output Param LPWFSCAMSTATUS lpStatus;

typedef struct _wfs_cam_status
WORD fwDevice;
WORD fwMedia;
USHORT usPictures;
LPSTR lpszExtra;

Specifies the state of the Camera device as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_CAM_DEVONLINE The device is on-line. The device is present and operational (i.e. not busy processing a request and does not have a hardware error).

WFS_CAM_DEVOFFLINE The device is off-line. The device is present and powered on but it is not operational (e.g. a switch may have been used to change it to an off-line state).

WFS_CAM_DEVPOWEROFF The device is powered off. The device is present, but is currently powered off.

WFS_CAM_DEVBUSY The device is busy processing a request. The device is present and an EXECUTE request is currently being processed.

WFS_CAM_DEVNODEVICE There is no device connected.

WFS_CAM_DEVHWERROR The device is inoperable due to a hardware error. The device is present but a hardware fault prevents it from being used.

WFS_CAM_DEVUSERERROR The device is present but a person is preventing proper operation. The application should suspend the device operation or remove the device from service until the service provider generates a device state change event indicating the condition of the device has changed i.e. the error is removed (WFS_CAM_DEVONLINE) or a permanent error condition has occurred (WFS_CAM_DEVHWERROR).

Specifies the state of the recording media. Specified as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_CAM_MEDIAOK The media is in a good state.

WFS_CAM_MEDIAHIGH The media is almost full (threshold).

WFS_CAM_MEDIAFULL The media is full.

WFS_CAM_MEDIAUNKNOWN Due to a hardware error or other condition, the state of the media cannot be determined.

Specifies the state of the cameras. A number of cameras are defined below. The maximum camera index is WFS_CAM_CAMERAS_MAX.

Specifies the state of the camera that monitors the whole self-service area. Specified as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_CAM_CAMNOTSUPP The camera is not supported.

WFS_CAM_CAMOK The camera is in a good state.

WFS_CAM_CAMINOP The camera is inoperative.

WFS_CAM_CAMUNKNOWN Due to a hardware error or other condition, the state of the camera cannot be determined.

Specifies the state of the camera that monitors the person standing in front of the self-service machine. Specified as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_CAM_CAMNOTSUPP The camera is not supported.

WFS_CAM_CAMOK The camera is in a good state.

WFS_CAM_CAMINOP The camera is inoperative.

WFS_CAM_CAMUNKNOWN Due to a hardware error or other condition, the state of the camera cannot be determined.

Specifies the state of the camera that monitors the exit slot(s) of the self-service machine. Specified as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_CAM_CAMNOTSUPP The camera is not supported.

WFS_CAM_CAMOK The camera is in a good state.

WFS_CAM_CAMINOP The camera is inoperative.

WFS_CAM_CAMUNKNOWN Due to a hardware error or other condition, the state of the camera cannot be determined.

Specifies the number of pictures stored on the recording media.

Specifies a list of vendor-specific, or any other extended, information. The information is returned as a series of "key=value" strings so that it is easily extensible by service providers. Each string will be null-terminated, with the final string terminating with two null characters.

Error Codes There are no additional error codes generated by this command.

Comments Applications which require or expect specific information to be present in the lpszExtra parameter may not be device or vendor-independent.