Description This command is used to start the recording of the camera system. It is possible to select which camera or which camera position should be used to take a picture. Furthermore data can be sent to be displayed on the photo.

Input Param LPWFSCAMTAKEPICT lpTakePict;

typedef struct _wfs_cam_take_picture
WORD wCamera;
LPSTR lpszCamData;

Specifies the camera that should take the photo as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_CAM_ROOM Monitors the whole self-service area.

WFS_CAM_PERSON Monitors the person standing in front of the self-service machine.

WFS_CAM_EXITSLOT Monitors the exit slot(s) of the self-service machine.

Specifies the text string to be displayed on the photo. If the maximum text length is exceeded, it will be truncated. In this case or if the text given is invalid an execute event WFS_EXEE_CAM_INVALIDDATA is generated. Nevertheless the picture is taken.

Output Param None.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_CAM_CAMNOTSUPP The specified camera is not supported.

WFS_ERR_CAM_CAMINOP The specified camera is inoperable.

WFS_ERR_CAM_MEDIAFULL The recording media is full.

Events The following additional events can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_USRE_CAM_MEDIATHRESHOLD The state of the recording media reached a threshold.

WFS_EXEE_CAM_INVALIDDATA The text string given is to long or in some other way invalid.

Comments None.