Description This command is used to retrieve a list of supported mix algorithms and available house mix tables.
Input Param None.
Output Param LPWFSCDMMIXTYPE * lppMixTypes
Pointer to a null-terminated array of pointers to mix type structures:
typedef struct _wfs_cdm_mix_type
USHORT usMixNumber;
USHORT usMixType; USHORT usSubType;
LPSTR lpszName;
Internal number identifying the mix algorithm or the house mix table. This number is passed to the WFS_INF_CDM_MIX_TABLE, WFS_CMD_CDM_DISPENSE and WFS_CMD_CDM_DENOMINATE commands.
Specifies whether the mix type is an algorithm or a house mix table. Values are:
Value Meaning
WFS_CDM_MIXALGORITHM Denominations are calculated using a mix algorithm.
WFS_CDM_MIXTABLE Denominations are calculated using a house mix table.
Contains a service provider defined number that identify the type of algorithm or table. Predefined values are:
Value Meaning
WFS_CDM_MIX_MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_BILLS The minimum number of bills possible is taken.
WFS_CDM_MIX_EQUAL_EMPTYING_OF_CASH_UNITS The cash units are equally emptied.
Points to the name of the table/algorithm used.
Error Codes There are no additional error codes generated by this command.
Comments None.