Description This command is used only for ATMs. It allows the application to force cash that has been presented to be retracted. Not all cash dispensers support this capability.

Input Param LPUSHORT lpusRetractArea;
Pointer to value indicating the area in the reject bin where retracted cash is to be stored. Not all systems require this parameter, and it may differ in content from system to system (NULL if not relevant).

Output Param None.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_CDM_BILLSTAKEN Bills were present at the exit at the start of the operation, but were removed before the operation was complete, so some or all of the bills were not retracted.

WFS_ERR_CDM_EXCHANGEACTIVE The CDM service is in an exchange state (see WFS_CMD_CDM_START_EXCHANGE).

WFS_ERR_CDM_INVALIDRETRACT Retract function is invalid for this system.

WFS_ERR_CDM_SHUTTERNOTCLOSED The shutter failed to close.

WFS_ERR_CDM_NOBILLS There were no presented bills to retract.

Events There are no additional events generated by this command.

Comments None.