Description This command is used only for ATMs. If implemented, it checks whether there has been any attempt to manipulate the ATM. If vandalism was detected, it is reported through this function.

Input Param None.

Output Param LPUSHORT lpusVandalism;

Flag specifying whether there has been an attempt to manipulate the device since the last time this command was issued. Values are:

Value Meaning

WFS_CDM_NODEVMANIPULATION No attempt has been made to manipulate the device.

WFS_CDM_DEVMANIPULATION An attempt to manipulate the device has been detected.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_CDM_EXCHANGEACTIVE The CDM service is in an exchange state (see WFS_CMD_CDM_START_EXCHANGE).

Events There are no additional events generated by this command.

Comments None.