Description This command starts the entry of an envelope and deposits it into the deposit container. If the envelope entered has an incorrect size and the deposit was not completed, the envelope is returned to the exit slot for removal by the customer. A WFS_SRVE_DEP_ENVTAKEN is sent when the envelope is removed.

If a deposit takes place then this command will report a successful operation and any errors detected during the operation will be returned by the WFS_EXEE_DEP_DEPOSITERROR event.

Input Param LPWFSDEPENVELOPE lpEnvelope;

typedef struct _wfs_dep_envelope
LPSTR lpszPrintData;

Specifies the data that will be printed on the envelope that is entered by the customer.

Output Param None.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_DEP_ENVJAMMED An envelope jam occurred in the deposit transport.

WFS_ERR_DEP_DEPFULL The deposit container is full.

WFS_ERR_DEP_CONTMISSING The deposit container is not present.

WFS_ERR_DEP_ENVSIZE The envelope entered has an incorrect size.

WFS_ERR_DEP_PTRFAIL The printer failed.

WFS_ERR_DEP_SHTNOTCLOSED The shutter failed to close.

WFS_ERR_DEP_SHTNOTOPENED The shutter failed to open.

WFS_ERR_DEP_DEPUNKNOWN The result of the deposit is not known. This error code is only returned by the WFS_EXEE_DEP_DEPOSITERROR event.

Events The following additional events can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_EXEE_DEP_ENVDEPOSITED The envelope has been deposited in the deposit container.

WFS_EXEE_DEP_DEPOSITERROR An error occured during the deposit operation.

WFS_SRVE_DEP_ENVTAKEN The envelope has been taken by the user.

Comments None.