2. Identification Card Readers and Writers

This section describes the functions provided by a generic identification card reader/writer service (IDC). These descriptions include definitions of the service-specific commands that can be issued, using the WFSAsyncExecute, WFSExecute, WFSGetInfo and WFSAsyncGetInfo functions.

This service allows for the operation of the following categories of units:

The following tracks/chips and the corresponding international standards are taken into account in this document:
Track 1 ISO 7811

Track 2 ISO 7811

Track 3 ISO 7811 / ISO 4909

Chip (contacted) ISO 7816

Chip (contactless) ISO 10536.

National standards like Transac for France or Watermark for Sweden are not considered, but can be easily included via the forms mechanism (see Section 6, Form Definition).

In addition to the pure reading of the tracks mentioned above, security boxes can be used via this service to check the data of writable tracks for manipulation. These boxes (such as CIM or MM) are sensor-equipped devices that are able to check some other information on the card and compare it with the track data.