Description This function is used to return keystrokes entered by the user. It will automatically set the PIN pad to echo characters on the display if there is a display. For each keystroke an execute notification event is sent in order to allow an application to perform the appropriate display action (i.e. when the PIN pad has no integrated display).

If usMaxLen is zero, the service provider does not terminate the command unless the application sets ulTerminateKeys or ulTerminateFDKs. In the event that ulTerminateKeys or ulTerminateFDKs are not set and usMaxLen is zero, the command will not terminate and the application must issue a WFSCancel command.

Input Param LPWFSPINGETDATA lpPinGetData;

typedef struct _wfs_pin_getdata
USHORT usMaxLen;
BOOL bAutoEnd;
ULONG ulActiveFDKs;
ULONG ulActiveKeys;
ULONG ulTerminateFDKs;
ULONG ulTerminateKeys;

Specifies the maximum number of digits which can be returned to the application in the data buffer.

If bAutoEnd is set to true, the service provider terminates the command when the maximum number of digits are entered. Otherwise, the input is terminated by the user using one of the termination keys. When usMaxLen is reached, the service provider will disable all numeric keys. bAutoEnd is ignored when usMaxLen is set to 0.

Specifies those FDKs which are active during the execution of the command.

Specifies those (other) Function Keys which are active during the execution of the command.

Specifies those FDKs which must terminate the execution of the command.

Specifies those (other) Function Keys which must terminate the execution of the command.

Output Param LPWFSPINDATA lpPinData;

typedef struct _wfs_pin_data
LPSTR lpsData;
WORD wCompletion;

Pointer to the data entered by the user. This pointer is set to NULL if usMaxLen is set to 0.

Specifies the reason for completion of the entry. Possible values are:
(see command WFS_CMD_PIN_GET_PIN)

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_PIN_KEYINVALID At least one of the specified function keys or FDKs is invalid.

WFS_ERR_PIN_KEYNOTSUPPORTED At least one of the specified function keys or FDKs is not supported by the service provider.

WFS_ERR_PIN_NOACTIVEKEYS There are no active function keys specified.

Events The following additional events can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_EXEE_PIN_KEY A key has been pressed at the PIN pad.

Comments None.