Description This command is used to request status information for the device.

Input Param None.

Output Param LPWFSPTRSTATUS lpStatus;

typedef struct _wfs_ptr_status
WORD fwDevice;
WORD fwMedia;
WORD fwPaper;
WORD fwToner;
WORD fwInk;
WORD fwLamp;
WORD fwRetractBin;
USHORT usRetractCount;
USHORT usMediaOnStacker;
LPSTR lpszExtra;

Specifies the state of the print device as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_DEVONLINE The device is online.

WFS_PTR_DEVOFFLINE The device is offline.

WFS_PTR_DEVPOWEROFF The device is powered off.

WFS_PTR_DEVBUSY The device is busy processing a request.

WFS_PTR_DEVNODEVICE There is no device connected.

WFS_PTR_DEVUSERERROR The device is present but a person is preventing proper device operation. The application should suspend the device from service until the service provider generates a device state change event indicating the condition of the device has changed, e.g., the error is removed (WFS_PTR_DEVONLINE) or a permanent error condition has occurred (WFS_PTR_DEVHWERROR).

WFS_PTR_DEVHWERROR The device is inoperable due to a hardware error.

Specifies the state of the print media (i.e., the paper: passbook, single sheet, roll, etc.) as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_MEDIAPRESENT Media is inserted in the device.

WFS_PTR_MEDIANOTPRESENT Media is not inserted in the device.

WFS_PTR_MEDIAJAMMED Media is jammed in the device.

WFS_PTR_MEDIAUNKNOWN The state of the print media cannot be determined with the device in its current state.

WFS_PTR_MEDIANOTSUPP The capability to report the state of the print media is not supported by the device.

WFS_PTR_MEDIAENTERING Media is at the entry/exit slot of the device.

Specifies the state of the paper supply as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_PAPERFULL The paper supply is full.

WFS_PTR_PAPERLOW The paper supply is low.

WFS_PTR_PAPEROUT The paper supply is empty.

WFS_PTR_PAPERNOTSUPP Capability not supported by device.

WFS_PTR_PAPERUNKNOWN Capability cannot be determined with device in its current state.

Specifies the state of the print device as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_TONERFULL The toner supply is full.

WFS_PTR_TONERLOW The toner supply is low.

WFS_PTR_TONEROUT The toner supply is empty.

WFS_PTR_TONERNOTSUPP Capability not supported by device.

WFS_PTR_TONERUNKNOWN Capability cannot be determined with device in its current state.


Specifies the status of the stamping ink in the printer as one of:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_INKFULL Ink supply in device is full.

WFS_PTR_INKLOW Ink supply in device is low.

WFS_PTR_INKOUT Ink supply in device is empty.

WFS_PTR_INKNOTSUPP Capability not supported by device.

WFS_PTR_INKUNKNOWN Capability cannot be determined with device in its current state.


Specifies the status of the printer imaging lamp as one of:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_LAMPOK The lamp is OK.

WFS_PTR_LAMPFADING The lamp should be changed.

WFS_PTR_LAMPINOP The lamp is inoperable.

WFS_PTR_LAMPNOTSUPP Capability not supported by device.

WFS_PTR_LAMPUNKNOWN Capability cannot be determined with device in its current state.

Specifies the state of the printer retract bin as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_RETRACTBINOK The retract bin of the printer is not full.

WFS_PTR_RETRACTBINFULL The retract bin of the printer is full.

WFS_PTR_RETRACTNOTSUPP The printer does not support retract capability.

WFS_PTR_RETRACTUNKNOWN Capability cannot be determined with device in its current state.

WFS_PTR_RETRACTBINHIGH The retract bin of the printer is high.

The number of media retracted; applicable only to printers with retract capability. This value is persistent: it is reset to zero by the WFS_CMD_PTR_RESET_COUNT command.

The number of media on stacker; applicable only to printers with stacking capability.

Pointer to a list of vendor-specific, or any other extended, information. The information is returned as a series of “key=value” strings so that it is easily extensible by service providers. Each string is null-terminated, with the final string terminating with two null characters.

Error Codes There are no additional error codes generated by this command.

Comments Applications which require or expect specific information to be present in the lpszExtra parameter may not be device or vendor-independent.