Description This command is used to retrieve details of the definition of a specified form.

Input Param LPSTR lpszFormName;

Points to the null-terminated form name on which to retrieve details.

Output Param LPWFSFRMHEADER lpHeader;

typedef struct _wfs_frm_header
LPSTR lpszFormName;
WORD wBase;
WORD wUnitX;
WORD wUnitY;
WORD wWidth;
WORD wHeight;
WORD wAlignment;
WORD wOrientation;
WORD wOffsetX;
WORD wOffsetY;
WORD wVersionMajor; WORD wVersionMinor;
LPSTR lpszUserPrompt;
LPSTR lpszFields;

Specifies the null-terminated name of the form.

Specifies the base unit of measurement of the form and can be one of the following:

Value Meaning

WFS_FRM_INCH The base unit is inches.

WFS_FRM_MM The base unit is millimeters.

WFS_FRM_ROWCOLUMN The base unit is rows and columns.

Specifies the horizontal resolution of the base units as a fraction of the wBase value. For example, a value of 16 applied to the base unit WFS_FRM_INCH means that the base horizontal resolution is 1/16".

Specifies the vertical resolution of the base units as a fraction of the wBase value. For example, a value of 10 applied to the base unit WFS_FRM_MM means that the base vertical resolution is 0.1 mm.

Specifies the width of the form in terms of the base horizontal resolution.

Specifies the height of the form in terms of the base vertical resolution.

Specifies the relative alignment of the form on the media and can be one of the following:

Value Meaning

WFS_FRM_TOPLEFT The form is aligned relative to the top and left edges of the media.

WFS_FRM_TOPRIGHT The form is aligned relative to the top and right edges of the media.

WFS_FRM_BOTTOMLEFT The form is aligned relative to the bottom and left edges of the media.

WFS_FRM_BOTTOMRIGHT The form is aligned relative to the bottom and right edges of the media.

Specifies the orientation of the form and can be one of the following:

Value Meaning

WFS_FRM_PORTRAIT The orientation of the form is portrait.

WFS_FRM_LANDSCAPE The orientation of the form is landscape.

Specifies the horizontal offset of the position of the top-left corner of the form, relative to the left or right edge specified by wAlignment. This value is specified in terms of the base horizontal resolution and is always positive.

Specifies the vertical offset of the position of the top-left corner of the form, relative to the top or bottom edge specified by wAlignment. This value is specified in terms of the base vertical resolution and is always positive.

Specifies the major version of the form.

Specifies the minor version of the form.

Pointer to a null-terminated user prompt string.

Pointer to a list of null-terminated field names, with the final name terminating with two null characters.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_PTR_FORMNOTFOUND The specified form cannot be found.

WFS_ERR_PTR_FORMINVALID The specified form is invalid.

Comments None.