Description This command is used to control a form drawn in by the device (e.g. after reading or in case of termination of an application request).

If an eject operation is specified, it completes when the media is moved to the exit slot. A service event is generated when the media has been taken by the user.

Input Param LPDWORD lpdwMediaControl;

Pointer to a value which specifies the manner in which the media should be handled, as a combination of the following bit-flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_CTRLFLUSH Flush any data to the printer that has not yet been printed from previous WFS_CMD_PTR_PRINT_FORM commands.

WFS_PTR_CTRLEJECT Flush data as above, then eject the media.

WFS_PTR_CTRLPERFORATE Flush data as above, then perforate the media.

WFS_PTR_CTRLCUT Flush data as above, then cut the media. For printers which have the ability to stack multiple cut sheets and deliver them as a single bundle to the customer, cut causes the media to be stacked and eject causes the bundle to be moved to the exit slot.

WFS_PTR_CTRLSKIP Flush data as above, then skip the media to mark.

WFS_PTR_CTRLRETRACT Flush data as above, then retract the media.

WFS_PTR_CTRLSTACK Flush data as above, then move the media item on the internal stacker.

WFS_PTR_CTRLPARTIALCUT Flush the data as above, then partially cut the media.

WFS_PTR_CTRLALARM Caused the printer to ring a bell, beep, or otherwise sound an audible alarm.

WFS_PTR_CTRLATPFORWARD Flush the data as above, then turn one page forward.

WFS_PTR_CTRLATPBACKWARD Flush the data as above, then turn one page backward.

WFS_PTR_CTRLTURNMEDIA Flush the data as above, then turn inserted media.

WFS_PTR_CTRLSTAMP Flush the data as above, then stamp on inserted media.

Output Param None.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_PTR_NOMEDIAPRESENT No form is present in the device.

WFS_ERR_PTR_FLUSHFAIL The device was not able to flush data.

WFS_ERR_PTR_RETRACTBINFULL The retract bin is full. No more media can be retracted. The current media is still in the device.

WFS_ERR_PTR_STACKERFULL The internal stacker is full. No more media can be moved to the stacker.

WFS_ERR_PTR_PAGETURNFAIL The device was not able to turn the page.

WFS_ERR_PTR_MEDIATURNFAIL The device was not able to turn the inserted media.

Events The following additional events can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_USRE_PTR_RETRACTBINFULL The retract bin is full; operator intervention is required. Note that this event is sent only once, at the point at which the bin becomes full.

WFS_SRVE_PTR_MEDIATAKEN The media has been taken by the user.

Comments None.