Description This event specifies that a fatal error has occurred while processing a field.

Event Param LPWFSPTRFIELDFAIL lpFieldFail;

typedef struct _wfs_ptr_field_failure
LPSTR lpszFormName;
LPSTR lpszFieldName;
WORD wFailure;

Points to the null-terminated form name.

Points to the null-terminated field name.

Specifies the type of failure and can be one of the following:

Value Meaning

WFS_PTR_FIELDREQUIRED The specified field must be supplied by the application.

WFS_PTR_FIELDSTATICOVWR The specified field is static and thus cannot be overwritten by the application.

WFS_PTR_FIELDOVERFLOW The value supplied for the specified fields is too long.

WFS_PTR_FIELDNOTFOUND The specified field does not exist.

WFS_PTR_FIELDNOTREAD The specified field is not an input field.

WFS_PTR_FIELDNOTWRITE An attempt was made to write to an input field.

WFS_PTR_FIELDHWERROR The specified field uses special hardware (e.g., OCR) and an error occurred.

WFS_PTR_FIELDTYPENOTSUPPORTED The form field type is not supported with device.

WFS_PTR_FIELDGRAPHIC The specified graphic image could not be printed.

Comments None.