9.6 Media Definition

The media definition determines those characteristics that result from the combination of a particular media type together with a particular vendor's printer. The aim is to make it easy to move forms between different vendors' printers which might have different constraints on how they handle a specific media type. It is the service provider's responsibility to ensure that the form definition does not specify the printing of any fields that conflict with the media definition. An example of such a conflict might be that the form definition asks for a field to be printed in an area that the media definition defines as an unprintable area.

The media definition is also intended to provide the capability of defining media types that are specific to the financial industry. An example is a passbook as shown below.

XFSMEDIA medianame*
TYPE type Predefined media types are:
GENERIC (default)
(required) UNIT

Base resolution unit for media definition

Horizontal base unit fraction

Vertical base unit fraction

(required) SIZE width, Width of physical media
height Height of physical media (0 = unlimited, i.e, roll paper)
PRINTAREA x, Printable area relative
y, to top left corner
width, of physical media
height (default = physical size of media)
RESTRICTED x, Restricted area relative to
y, to top left corner
width, of physical media
height (default = no restricted area)
FOLD fold Type of passbook
STAGGERING staggering Staggering of passbook from top (default = 0)
PAGE count Number of pages in passbook (default = 0)
LINES count Number of printable lines (default = 0)