Description This event id is used to specify that a port has changed its state, due to the result of a command or to some external condition. Reporting of this event is controlled by the WFS_CMD_SIU_ENABLE_EVENTS command. Event reporting is disabled as a default situation.

Event Param LPWFSSIUPORTEVENT lpPortEvent;

typedef struct _wfs_siu_port_event
WORD wPortType;
WORD wPortIndex;
WORD wPortStatus;
LPSTR lpszExtra;

Specifies the type of sensors and indicators that has changed state by one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_SIU_SENSORS A port in the input Sensors has changed state.

WFS_SIU_DOORS A port in the Door sensors has changed state.

WFS_SIU_INDICATORS A port in the Status Indicators has changed state.

WFS_SIU_AUXILIARIES A port in the Auxiliary Indicators has changed state.

WFS_SIU_GUIDLIGHTS A port in the Guidance Lights has changed state.

Specifies the index of the port that has changed state by one of the following values:

Value Meaning

WFS_SIU_OPERATORSWITCH The Operator Switch has changed its state.

WFS_SIU_TAMPER The Tamper Sensor has changed its state.

WFS_SIU_INT­TAMPER The internal Tamper Sensor has changed its state.

WFS_SIU_SEISMIC The Seismic Sensor has changed its state.

WFS_SIU_HEAT The Heat Sensor has changed its state.

WFS_SIU_PROXIMITY The Proximity Sensor has changed its state.

WFS_SIU_AMBLIGHT The Ambient Light Sensor has changed its state.

WFS_SIU_CABINET The Cabinet Doors have changed their state.

WFS_SIU_SAFE The Safe Doors have changed their state.

WFS_SIU_VANDALSHIELD The Vandal Shield has changed its state.

WFS_SIU_OPENCLOSE The Open/Close Indicator state has changed.

WFS_SIU_FASCIALIGHT The Fascia Light state has changed.

WFS_SIU_AUDIO The Audio Indicator state has changed.

WFS_SIU_HEATING The Heating device state has changed.

WFS_SIU_VOLUME The Volume control device has changed its value.

WFS_SIU_UPS The UPS device state has changed.

WFS_SIU_CARDUNIT The Guidance Light state for the card unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_PINPAD The Guidance Light state for the PIN pad unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_NOTESDISPENSER The Guidance Light state for the note dispenser unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_COINDISPENSER The Guidance Light state for the coin dispenser unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_RECEIPTPRINTER The Guidance Light state for the receipt printer unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_PASSBOOKPRINTER The Guidance Light state for the passbook printer unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_ENVDEPOSITORY The Guidance Light state for the envelope depository unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_CHEQUEUNIT The Guidance Light state for the cheque unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_BILLACCEPTOR The Guidance Light state for the bill acceptor unit has changed.

WFS_SIU_ENVDISPENSER The Guidance Light state for the envelope dispenser unit has changed.

Specifies the new state of the port indicated in the wPortEvent. See the WFS_INF_SIU_STATUS information command for the possible values.

Specifies a list of vendor-specific, or any other extended, information. The information is returned as a series of "key=value" strings so that it is easily extensible by service providers. Each string will be null-terminated, with the final string terminating with two null characters.

Comments None.