Description This event id is used to specify that a port has detected an error.
typedef struct _wfs_siu_port_error
WORD wPortType;
WORD wPortIndex;
HRESULT PortError;
WORD wPortStatus;
Specifies the type of sensors and indicators that has detected an error by one of the following flags:
Value Meaning
WFS_SIU_SENSORS A port in the input Sensors has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_DOORS A port in the Door sensors has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_INDICATORS A port in the Status Indicators has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_AUXILIARIES A port in the Auxiliary Indicators has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_GUIDLIGHTS A port in the Guidance Lights has detected an error.
Specifies the index of the port that has detected an error by one of the following values:
Value Meaning
WFS_SIU_OPERATORSWITCH The Operator Switch has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_TAMPER The Tamper Sensor has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_INTTAMPER The internal Tamper Sensor has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_SEISMIC The Seismic Sensor has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_HEAT The Heat Sensor has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_PROXIMITY The Proximity Sensor has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_AMBLIGHT The Ambient Light Sensor has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_CABINET The Cabinet Doors have detected an error.
WFS_SIU_SAFE The Safe Doors have detected an error.
WFS_SIU_VANDALSHIELD The Vandal Shield has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_OPENCLOSE The Open/Close Indicator has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_FASCIALIGHT The Fascia Light state has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_AUDIO The Audio Indicator state has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_HEATING The Heating device state has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_VOLUME The Volume control device has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_UPS The UPS device has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_CARDUNIT The Guidance Light state for the card unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_PINPAD The Guidance Light state for the PIN pad unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_NOTESDISPENSER The Guidance Light state for the note dispenser unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_COINDISPENSER The Guidance Light state for the coin dispenser unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_RECEIPTPRINTER The Guidance Light state for the receipt printer unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_PASSBOOKPRINTER The Guidance Light state for the passbook printer unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_ENVDEPOSITORY The Guidance Light state for the envelope depository unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_CHEQUEUNIT The Guidance Light state for the cheque unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_BILLACCEPTOR The Guidance Light state for the bill acceptor unit has detected an error.
WFS_SIU_ENVDISPENSER The Guidance Light state for the envelope dispenser unit has detected an error.
Specifies the error of the port indicated in the wPortType and wPortIndex by one of the following values:
Value Meaning
WFS_ERR_SIU_INVALID_PORT An attempt to enable or disable events to a port was invalid because the port does not exist.
WFS_ERR_SIU_SYNTAX Syntax error in the input parameters. E.g. an attempt to both enable and disable events to the same port was made.
WFS_ERR_SIU_PORT_ERROR A hardware error occurred while executing a command.
Specifies the new state of the port indicated in the wPortEvent. See the WFS_INF_SIU_STATUS information command for the possible values.
Specifies a list of vendor-specific, or any other extended, information. The information is returned as a series of "key=value" strings so that it is easily extensible by service providers. Each string will be null-terminated, with the final string terminating with two null characters.
Comments None.