Description This command is used to beep at the text terminal unit.

Input Param LPWORD lpwBeep;

Specifies whether the beeper should be turned on or off. Specified as one of the following flags of type A and B, or as WFS_TTU_BEEPCONTINUOUS in combination with one of the flags of type B:

Value Meaning Type

WFS_TTU_BEEPOFF The beeper is turned off. A
WFS_TTU_BEEPKEYPRESS The beeper sounds a key click signal. B
WFS_TTU_BEEPEXCLAMATION The beeper sounds a exclamation signal. B
WFS_TTU_BEEPWARNING The beeper sounds a warning signal. B
WFS_TTU_BEEPERROR The beeper sounds a error signal. B
WFS_TTU_BEEPCRITICAL The beeper sounds a critical error signal. B
WFS_TTU_BEEPCONTINUOUS The beeper sound is turned on continuously. C

Output Param None.

Error Codes There are no additional error codes generated by this command.

Events There are no additional events generated by this command.

Comments None.