Description This command is used to read data from input fields on the specified form.

Input Param LPWFSTTUREADFORM lpReadForm;

typedef struct _wfs_ttu_read_form
LPSTR lpszFormName;
LPSTR lpszFieldNames;

Pointer to the null-terminated name of the form.

Pointer to a list of null-terminated field names from which to read input data, with the final name terminating with two null characters. If this value is NULL, then read data from all input fields on the form.

Output Param LPSTR lpszFields;

Pointer to a series of "<FieldName>=<FieldValue>" strings, where each string is null-terminated with the final string terminating with two null characters.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_TTU_FORMNOTFOUND The specified form cannot be found.

WFS_ERR_TTU_FORMINVALID The specified form definition is invalid.

WFS_ERR_TTU_FIELDSPECFAILURE The syntax of the lpszFieldNames member is invalid.

WFS_ERR_TTU_KEYCANCELED The read operation was terminated by pressing the <CANCEL>-key.

Events There are no additional events generated by this command.

Comments None.