If a command completion or event message cannot be delivered, it is reported as a system event. The WFSRESULT data structure (defined in Section 8.1) is utilized as follows:
Field Description
RequestID (not used)
hService Service handle identifying the session associated with the completion or event
tsTimestamp Time the event occurred (local time, in a Win32 SYSTEMTIME structure)
hResult (not used)
lpBuffer Pointer to a WFSUNDEVMSG structure:
typedef struct _wfs_undevmsg { LPSTR lpszLogicalName; LPSTR lpszWorkstationName; LPSTR lpszAppID; DWORD dwSize; LPBYTE lpbDescription; DWORD dwMsg; LPWFSRESULT lpWFSResult; } WFSUNDEVMSG, * LPWFSUNDEVMSG;
The members of this structure are:
Field Description
lpszLogicalName Pointer to the logical service name of the service that generated the original undeliverable message
lpszWorkstationName Pointer to the the name of the workstation in which the logical service name is defined
lpszAppID Pointer to the the application ID associated with the session that generated the original message
dwSize The size in bytes of the following description
lpbDescription Pointer to a vendor-specific description of the reason why the message could not be delivered
dwMsg The message identifier of the original message
lpWFSResult Pointer to the WFSRESULT structure of the original message (which has the lpBuffer parameter set to NULL)