4.6 WFSCreateAppHandle

HRESULT WFSCreateAppHandle( lphApp )

Requests a new, unique application handle value.

Parameters LPHAPP lphApp

A pointer to the application handle to be created (returned parameter).

Mode Immediate

Comments This function is used by an application to request a unique (within a single system) application handle from the XFS Manager (to be used in subsequent WFSOpen/WFSAsyncOpen calls). Note that an application may call this function multiple times in order to create multiple “application identities” for itself with respect to the WOSA/XFS subsystem. See Sections 3.5 and 3.8.2 for additional discussion.

Error Codes If the function return is not WFS_SUCCESS, it is the following error condition.

An internal inconsistency or other unexpected error occurred in the WOSA/XFS subsystem.
A pointer parameter does not point to accessible memory.
The application has not previously performed a successful WFSStartUp.

See also WFSDestroyAppHandle, WFSOpen, WFSAsyncOpen