4.9 WFSDestroyAppHandle

HRESULT WFSDestroyAppHandle( hApp )

Makes the specified application handle invalid.

Parameters HAPP hApp

The application handle to be made invalid.

Mode Immediate

Comments This function is used by an application to indicate to the XFS Manager that it will no longer use the specified application handle (from a previous WFSCreateAppHandle call). See WFSCreateAppHandle and Sections 3.5 and 3.8.2 for additional discussion.

Error Codes If the function return is not WFS_SUCCESS, it is one of the following error conditions.

An internal inconsistency or other unexpected error occurred in the WOSA/XFS subsystem.
The application has not previously performed a successful WFSStartUp.
The specified application handle is not valid, i.e., was not created by a preceding create call.

See also WFSCreateAppHandle