4.24 WFSUnhookBlockingHook

HRESULT WFSUnhookBlockingHook( )

Removes any previous blocking hook that had been installed and reinstalls the default blocking mechanism.

Parameters None.

Mode Immediate

Comments The function will always install the default routine, not the previous routine. If an application wishes to nest blocking hook routines—i.e., to establish a temporary blocking call and then revert to the previous mechanism—it must save and restore the value returned by the WFSSetBlockingHook function. See Section 3.12.

Error Codes If the function return is not WFS_SUCCESS, it is one of the following error conditions:

An internal inconsistency or other unexpected error occurred in the WOSA/XFS subsystem.
The application has not previously performed a successful WFSStartUp.
A blocking operation is in progress on the thread; only WFSCancelBlockingCall and WFSIsBlocking are permitted at this time.

See also WFSSetBlockingHook