This structure is used to return version information from WFSStartUp, WFSOpen and WFPOpen.

typedef  struct _wfsversion {
 WORD   wVersion;
 WORD   wLowVersion;
 WORD   wHighVersion;
 char   szDescription[WFSDDESCRIPTION_LEN+1];
 char   szSystemStatus[WFSDSYSSTATUS_LEN+1];

The members of this structure are (note that this structure is used to report version information for three distinct WOSA/XFS interfaces: API, SPI, and the service-specific interface):

Element Usage

wVersion The version number to be used.

wLowVersion The lowest version number that the called DLL can support.

wHighVersion The highest version number that the called DLL can support.

szDescription A null-terminated ASCII string into which the called DLL copies a description of the implementation. The text (up to 256 characters in length) may contain any characters: the most likely use that an application will make of this is to display it (possibly truncated) in a status message.

szSystemStatus A null-terminated ASCII string into which the called DLL copies relevant status or configuration information. Not to be considered as an extension of the szDescription field. Used only if the information might be useful to the user or support staff.