Architecture and Component Model

The ADO/WFC components leverage the rich functionality of Win32 platforms, and are designed for optimal performance with the Virtual Machine (VM) for Java technology. These components are part of the Microsoft® Data Access Components.

The following table summarizes the major ADO/WFC components:

Component Description
Connection Provides basic connectivity to data sources and application servers.
Recordset A data cursoring abstraction. Provides rich navigational semantics, as well as disconnected and batch mode operational modes. Intrinsically marshalable across process/machine boundaries (basic unit of “transport” for tabular data between business objects and client application contexts).
Command A parameter-varying command execution component.
Field (Fields Collection) Handles row metadata and values. Used to define the “shape” and dimension of Recordset objects.
AdoProperty (AdoProperties Collection) A property container for component-specific properties. All ADO components have associated (and in some cases unique) property sets.
Parameter (Parameters Collection) A value descriptor for objects utilized by Command components.
ObjectProxy A surrogate for a remote business object.
DataSpace A business object “factory” component.
DataBinder (and DataBinding) A data binding and coordination agent for forms in an ADO-deployment context. (DataBinding is a helper class that associates a visual component’s bound fields to Recordset result fields.)
ConnectionEventHandler A dispatch mechanism for Connection events to registered event listeners.
RecordsetEventHandler A dispatch mechanism for Recordset events to registered event listeners.
CommandEventHandler A dispatch mechanism for Command events to registered event listeners.
ConnectionEvent An event descriptor specific for Connection events.
RecordsetEvent An event descriptor specific for Recordset events.
CommandEvent An event descriptor specific for Command events.
AdoException (Errors Collection) A basic error exception class for reporting anomalous conditions in the ADO execution environment.