AppendExistingPages Method

Description Appends specified page(s) to the end of the current ImageFile object.   If the page(s) being appended come from an image file of a type different than the active image file, the pages are converted before being appended.   After appending page(s), all PageRange objects are invalid.   You can optionally display a dialog box that allows the end-user to select a file from which to append page(s).

Syntax ImageFileObject.AppendExistingPages [imagefileIImageFile],[, pagenumberPage],
[, countCount],[, dialogflagDisplayUIFlag]

Remarks The AppendExistingPages method uses these parts:

PartParameter Data Type Description
imagefileImageFile String The image file from which appended (source image file).pages will be
PagenumberPage Long The page from which to start  appending pages (in the source image file).
countCount Long The number of pages to append.
dialogflagDisplayUIFlag Flag If True,  — displays Displays a dialog box that allows the end-user to select an image file to append.   The default is False (Default). —   Does not display a dialog box.  If you specify True and the selected file is a multi-page file, the user will be prompted to select the pages to append

PartParameterData TypeDescriptionimagefileImageFileStringThe image file from which pages will be
appended (source image file).PagenumberPageLongThe page from which to start  appending
pages (in the source image file).countCountLongThe number of pages to append.dialogflagDisplayUIFlagFlagIf True,  — displays Displays a dialog box that allows the end-user to select an image file to append.   The default is False (Default). —   Does not display a dialog box.If you specify True and the selected file is a multi-page file, the user will be prompted to select the pages to append, the user is prompted for the page from which to start appending pages, and the number of pages to append.   If you specify pagenumber, count, and True, pagenumber, and count are ignored.   Refer to the example below.

ExamplesThis example appends the first page from the file, BW.TIF.

Img.AppendExistingPages "c:\bw.tif", 1

This example appends a file selected from a dialog box to the currently displayed image file.   After the user selects a file to append, the application prompts the user to specify the starting page number and the number of pages to append from the selected file.

Img1.AppendExistingPages "", 0, 0, True

This example appends pages to an Imaging Server 1.x file.

ImgFileObj.AppendExistingPages "Image://nqa11\SYS:\tmp\3PAGES.tif", 1, 3

This example appends pages to an Imaging Server 1.x document.

ImgFileObj.AppendExistingPages  "Image://PATRIOTS\CABINET\DRAWER\FOLDER\doc1", 3, 2

This example appends pages to an Imaging Server 3.x document.

ImgFileObj.AppendExistingPages ""Imagex://sixpage",  1, 6