FindOIServerDoc Method


Note: This method is available only with the Imaging for Windows ProfessionalClient/Server Edition application.

Find Eastman Software Imaging 1.xOpen/image server document. This method displays an ImagingOpen/image server document find dialog box, from which the user may search for Eastman Software ImagingOPEN/image for UNIX 1.x server documents, or Eastman Software ImagingOPEN/image for NT 3.x   server documents. After the user selects a document and chooses the Open button, the Find dialog box is closed and returns the selected document name with path to the user. A null string is returnedreturns if the user chooses Cancel in the Find dialog box.   The user may use the returned document name string as input for the Image Object Open method.


Syntax ImageFileObject.FindOIServerDoc