Error Event

This event occurs when a non-expected error is encountered (such as an error condition that occurs during painting, after a mouse click, etc.).

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V2.0
Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0 and V1.1
Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Edit control


Sub object_Error(Number,Description,Scode,Source,HelpFile,HelpContext,CancelDisplay)


Parameter Data Type Setting

Number Long The native error number.
Description String The description of the error condition.
Scode Long The error return code.
Source String The source of the error condition.
HelpFile String The fully-qualified file name of the help system containing information about the error condition.
HelpContext Long The numeric help context ID that maps to the help topic that contains specific information about the error condition.
CancelDisplay Boolean Determines whether the error message is displayed:

True Display the error message (default).

False Continue processing without displaying the error message.


This error does not occur when a property is accessed or a method is invoked using invalid parameters.