MarkMove Event

Example-VB Example-VC++

This event occurs immediately after the end user or program moves or resizes an annotation mark.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Edit control


Sub object_MarkMove(MarkType,GroupName)


Parameter Data Type Setting

MarkType Integer The AnnotationType of the annotation mark (except for the Select Annotations annotation type)
GroupName String The name of the annotation group to which the annotation belongs, or an empty string if more than one annotation mark is selected


The MarkType parameter cannot be the Select Annotations annotation type.

A MarkMove event does not occur if a Select Annotations rectangle is drawn (AnnotationType of 0).