IATB Extender Properties

This topic lists the Extender properties that are available when the Image Annotation Tool Button control is drawn on a Visual Basic form.

Name Description

Container Returns the container of an object
DataBindings Returns the DataBindings collection object containing the available bindable properties
DragIcon Returns or sets the mouse pointer icon in a drag-and-drop operation
DragMode Returns or sets the drag mode (manual or automatic)
Height Returns or sets the height of an object
HelpContextID Returns or sets the Help context ID for an object
Index Returns or sets the subscript value of a control in an array of controls
Left Returns or sets the distance between the left edge of an object and the left edge of its container
Name Returns the name of an object
Object Returns a reference to a property or method of a control that has the same name as a property or method extended to the control
Parent Returns the form, object, or collection that contains either a control, or another object or collection
TabIndex Returns or sets the tab order of an object within its parent
TabStop Returns or sets whether the Tab key can be used to move focus to an object
Tag Returns or sets ancillary data
Top Returns or sets the distance between the top edge of an object and the top edge of its container
Visible Returns or sets whether an object is visible or hidden
WhatsThisHelpID Returns or sets the context-sensitive help ID for an object
Width Returns or sets the width of an object

Refer to the Visual Basic on-line help for more information about these properties.