Image Edit Extender Events

This topic lists the Extender events that are available when the Image Edit control is drawn on a Visual Basic form.

Name Description

Click Fires when a user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object
DblClick Fires when a user presses and releases a mouse button twice over an object
DragDrop Fires when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
DragOver Fires when a drag-and-drop operation is in progress
Error Fires when an error occurs
GotFocus Fires when an object receives focus
KeyDown Fires when a user presses a key while the object has focus
KeyPress Fires when a user presses and then releases a key while the object has focus
KeyUp Fires when a user releases a key while the object has focus
LostFocus Fires when an object loses focus
MouseDown Fires when a user presses a mouse button
MouseMove Fires when a user moves the mouse
MouseUp Fires when a user releases a mouse button

Refer to the Visual Basic on-line help for more information about these events.