GetCompressionPreference Method

Example-VB Example-VC++

Returns the compression preference used by the ShowScanPreference method or the SetPageTypeCompressionOpts method.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Ö Imaging for Windows 98
Imaging for Windows 95
Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Scan control



Return Value

CompPreferenceConstants (Integer)

Constant Setting Description

BestDisplay 0 (default) Best display quality
GoodDisplay 1 Good display quality, small file size
SmallestFile 2 Smallest file size
CustomSettings 3 Custom settings


The information returned by this method can be used as follows:

To maintain the compression options already set in the registry. (The information returned is read but not interpreted.)

To interpret compression information, and then use that information to set explicit compression options during runtime.

Predefined compression preferences are shown below.


Black and White

CCITT Group 3 1D

Group 3 1D Modified Huffman with reversed bit order

16 Shades of Gray

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)

256 Shades of Gray

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)

256 Colors

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)

True Color (RGB 24 bit)


No compression information

16 Colors

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)


Black and White

CCITT Group 3 1D

Group 3 1D Modified Huffman with reversed bit order

16 Shades of Gray

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)

256 Shades of Gray


JPEG medium resolution, medium compression

256 Colors

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)

True Color (RGB 24 bit)


JPEG medium resolution, medium compression

16 Colors

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)


Black and White

CCITT Group 3 1D

Group 3 1D Modified Huffman with reversed bit order

16 Shades of Gray

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)

256 Shades of Gray


JPEG medium resolution, high compression

256 Colors

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)

True Color (RGB 24 bit)


JPEG medium resolution, high compression

16 Colors

LZW (Professional Edition only)

LZW (no compression information)

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