PageOption Property

Example-VB Example-VC++

Indicates or sets if a scanned page will be Appended or Inserted, or if a page will be overwritten with or without a prompt at scan time.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Ö Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Ö Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Scan control



Data Type

Integer (enumerated)

Constant Setting Description

CreateNewFile 0 Creates a new image file and adds image pages. An error will occur if the file exists. Pages can be added only if an automatic document feeder (ADF) is present.
PromptToCreateNewFile 1 (default) Creates a new image file and adds image pages. If an image file exists, a prompt is displayed before overwriting. Pages can be added only if an automatic document feeder (ADF) is present.
AppendPages 2 Appends to an existing image file
InsertPages 3 Inserts a page in the existing image file, before the current image page, as specified in the Page property. An error will occur if the file does not exist.
OverwritePages 4 Overwrites an image file on an existing image page. If the image page does not exist, an error will occur.
PromptToOverwritePages 5 Displays a prompt prior to overwriting an existing image page. If the image page does not exist, an error will occur.
OverwriteAllPages 6 Overwrites all pages in an image file


The Page property determines the current image page in a selected file.

If you are appending or inserting pages (Settings 2 and 3), you must set the MultiPage property to True. Otherwise, the error message "File already exists" is returned.

If settings 0, 1, 2, or 6 are chosen, a new file is created if the file specified in the Image property does not exist.