LoginToServer Method

Provides the authentication interface to a 1.x or 3.x server, enabling a user to log on.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V2.0
Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0 and V1.1
Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Admin control


object.LoginToServer nServerType,bEnableUI,[lpszUserId],[lpszPassWd]


Parameter Data Type Description

nServerType ServerType
Indicates the type of server to be accessed


OneXUnix11.x UNIX server
ThreeX23.x server

bEnableUI AuthUI
Determines if the logon dialog box is displayed


DisableUITrueDisables the dialog box.
EnableUIFalseEnables the dialog box.

lpszUserId string (Optional) User logon ID (up to 20 characters for a 1.xserver or 80 characters for 3.x server)
lpszPasswd string (Optional) User logon password (up to 36 characters for 1.x server or 80 characters for a 3.x server)


If nServerType is set to 2, the user is logged on to the 3.x server specified by the Domain property.

Note: Multiple users cannot log on to a 3.x server using the same ID.

When a user is logged on to a 3.x server, authentication remains current until the application is closed. On a 1.x server, however, authentication remains valid after the application is closed.

To log a user off, use the LogOffServer method.