ExecuteTextEditCommand Method

Executes commands on the Text Edit dialog box when the Image Edit control is in Text Edit mode, as indicated by the EditingTextAnnotation event.

When the Image Edit control is in Text Edit mode, it displays the Text Edit dialog box to let end users create or modify a Text, Attach-a-Note, or Hyperlink annotation.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V2.0
Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0 and V1.1
Ö Imaging for Windows 98
Imaging for Windows 95
Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Edit control


object.ExecuteTextEditCommand EditCommand


Parameter Data
Constant Value Command Description

EditCommand Integer wiCutEditText 0 Cut Cuts any selected text to the clipboard
wiCopyEditText 1 Copy Copies any selected text to the clipboard
wiPasteEditText 2 Paste Pastes text from the clipboard
wiUndoEditText 3 Undo/Redo Undoes or Redoes the last textual operation
wiSelectAllEditText 4 Select All Selects All text
wiDeleteEditText 5 Delete/Clear Deletes or Clears any selected text
wiCanUndoEditText 6 Can Undo Checks to see if there is anything to be undone
wiIsEditTextSelected 7 Is Text Selected Checks to see if there is any text selected
wiFinishEditText 8 Finish Saves any text changes and closes the text editing session
wiCancelEditText 9 Cancel Discards any text changes and closes the text editing session
wiIsModifiedEditText 10 Is Modified Checks to see if anything was changed

Return Value


Command Value Description

Cut 0
Copy 0
Paste 0
Undo/Redo 0
Not 0
Select All 0
Delete/Clear 0
Can Undo 0
Cannot undo
Can undo
Is Text Selected 0
No text selected
Text selected
Finish 0
Cancel 0
Is Modified 0
Not 0
Not modified


An image must be displayed and the Image Edit control must be in Text Edit mode for the commands of this method to function.  The Image Edit control is in Text Edit mode when:

Note: Hyperlink annotations are available with Imaging for Windows Professional Edition only.