Save Method

Example-VB Example-VC++

Saves the displayed image (page) to the original path and file.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Ö Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Ö Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Edit control


object.Save [SaveAtZoom]


Parameter Data Type Setting

SaveAtZoom Boolean Whether the image is saved using the current or original scale percentage value:

True The image is saved using the current scale percentage value, as specified in the Zoom property
False The image is saved using the original scale percentage value (Zoom value of 100 percent)

Return Value



The Display method must be invoked prior to calling this method.

For the TIFF file type, annotations are saved as annotation data.  For all other file types, annotations are lost unless the BurnInAnnotations method was invoked prior to calling the Save method.  The BurnInAnnotations method burns annotations onto an image, causing them to be permanently incorporated into the image.

The Save method saves the image to the same file from which it was opened.  The saved image remains in the display window at its original resolution.

If the SaveAtZoom parameter is not specified, the image is saved using the original zoom scale percentage value.

Invoking the Save method sets the ImageModified property to False.

Note: The Save method does not function when a URL has been entered into the Image property.