ForceFileDeletion1x Property

Returns or sets whether the file referenced by a 1x document page is deleted when the document page itself is deleted. This property is used in conjunction with the Delete and DeletePages methods.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V2.0
Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0 and V1.1
Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Admin control



Data Type


Setting Description

True (default) Source file pages linked to the 1x document are deleted when a document page is deleted
False Source file pages linked to the 1x document are not deleted when a document page is deleted


The True setting is ignored in cases where a document contains several pages that are linked to the same source file, and not all of the pages are being deleted. In this case, the linked source file is not deleted because other pages in the document are linked to it.

For example, a document named  anydoc.tif contains 5 pages, and pages 1 and 4 are linked to  imgfile.tif.  If you set this property to True, and delete page 1 of anydoc.tif,  then  imgfile.tif is not deleted because it is still needed by page 4.

Note: This exception is only true for pages within the same document.

Use this property to set the state of the checkbox “Delete File with pages” in the 1.x Server Options dialog box. The user can accept or change this value.

The 1.x Server Options dialog box is created by the Show1xServerOptDlg method.