ForceFileLinking1x Property

Example-VB Example-VC++

Returns or sets how file pages being added to a document residing in a 1.x repository are handled.

Depending on the setting of the ForceFileLinking1x property, the Admin control’s Append, Replace, and Insert methods can create copies of the source file pages in the 1.x file repository, or create links between the source file pages and the destination document.

The Image Edit control’s SaveAs and SavePage methods can also use this property if the destination file is a 1.x document.

Note: This property setting is ignored in cases where the source document/file is located on a local or redirected drive, and the Append, Insert, Replace, SaveAs, or SavePage method is called. In these situations, the source file pages are copied to the 1.x repository, given unique file names, and referenced by the destination document.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V2.0
Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0 and V1.1
Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Admin control



Data Type


Setting Description

True The source file pages are linked to the destination document.
False (default) Copies of the source file pages are created in the 1.x file repository, given unique file names, and linked to the destination document.


The source file/document (for the pages being appended, replaced, or inserted) can be located either on a local or redirected drive, or in the 1.x file/document repository the destination document must reside in a 1.x repository and be managed by the Document Manager.

In cases where both the source and destination documents reside in a 1.x repository, the property settings work in the following manner.

Setting = True Source file pages are linked to a document, which means each time the source file changes, the destination document reflects the changes. You can link the same set of source pages to several documents so that information can be easily updated.

Setting = False Copies of the source file pages are created in the location specified by the FileStgLoc1x property, and given unique file names. Each time pages are appended to or inserted into a destination document, a new set of copies are made. Changing the original source pages has no effect on the destination document because it references the copy of the source page.

Use this property to provide the initial value for the checkbox “Link files on reference” in the 1.x Server Options dialog box. The user can accept or change this value.

The 1.x Server Options dialog box is created by the Show1xServerOptDlg method.