HelpCommand Property

Returns or sets the type of Help requested.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Ö Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Ö Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Admin control



Data Type


Setting Description

&H1& Displays Help for a particular context. When using this setting, you must also specify a context using the HelpContext property.
&H3& Displays the index of the specified Help file. An application should use this value only for a Help file with a single index.
&H4& Displays Help for using the Help application itself.
&H5& Sets the context specified by the HelpContext property as the current index for the Help file specified by the HelpFile property. This index remains current until the user accesses a different Help file.  Use this value only for Help files with more than one index.
&H101& Displays Help for a particular keyword. When using this setting, you must also specify a keyword using the HelpKey property.
&H105& Brings up a search box in Help, with the key specified by the HelpKey property


This property is used in conjunction with other Admin control help properties HelpContextId, HelpKey, and HelpFile to enable an application to use a custom Help file for the dialog box displayed by the ShowFileDialog method.