ImageModified Property

Example-VB Example-VC++

Indicates whether an image has been modified.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Ö Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Ö Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Edit control



Data Type


Setting Description

True The image has been modified
False The image has not been modified


Because the value of this property indicates whether an image file has been modified, you can use it to determine whether your program should prompt users to save the image file.

Available at run-time as read-only.

Changes to the following properties set the ImageModified property to True:


Invoking the following methods sets the ImageModified property to True:


Drawing an annotation using the standard Annotation Tool Palette also sets the ImageModified property to True.

Invoking the following methods sets the ImageModified property to False (effectively, resetting the property):
