ImageScaleWidth Property

Example-VB Example-VC++

Returns the width in pixels of the image as it is displayed.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Ö Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Ö Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Edit control



Data Type



The Display method must be invoked prior to using this property.

The ImageScaleWidth property differs from the ImageWidth property.  The ImageWidth property returns the width in full-size coordinates, while the ImageScaleWidth property value is affected by the current zoom factor.

The ImageScaleWidth and ImageWidth properties also differ for images with asymmetric resolutions.  For example, when an 8½- by 11-inch image with a resolution of 100 by 200 dots per inch (dpi) is displayed, the ImageWidth property returns a value of 850, while the ImageScaleWidth property returns a value of 1700 due to pixel replication that occurs at display-time to optimize display quality.

Available at run-time as read-only.