MousePointer Property

Example-VB Example-VC++

Returns or sets the type of mouse pointer to be displayed when the pointer is moved over an Image Edit control at run-time.

Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Ö Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Ö Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Note:  The Hyperlink and OCR Zone MousePointer icons are available with Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0 only.

Applies To

Image Edit control



Data Type

Integer (enumerated)

Constant Setting Description

wiMPDefault 0
As determined by the value of the AnnotationType property
wiMPArrow 1 Arrow
wiMPCross 2 Cross (cross-hair pointer)
wiMPIBeam 3 I-Beam
wiMPIcon 4 Arrow
wiMPSize 5 Size (four-pointed arrow pointing North, South, East, and West)
wiMPSizeNESW 6 Size NE SW (double arrow pointing NorthEast and SouthWest)
wiMPSizeNS 7 Size N S (double arrow pointing North and South)
wiMPSizeNWSE 8 Size NW SE (double arrow pointing NorthWest and SouthEast)
wiMPSizeWE 9 Size W E (double arrow pointing West and East)
wiMPUpArrow 10 Up Arrow
wiMPHourGlass 11 Hourglass (wait)
wiMPNoDrop 12 No Drop
wiMPArrowHourglass 13 Arrow and Hourglass
wiMPArrowQuestion 14 Arrow and Question mark
wiMPSizeAll 15 Size All
wiMPFreehandLine 16 Freehand Line
wiMPHollowRect 17 Hollow Rectangle
wiMPFilledRect 18 Filled Rectangle
wiMPRubberStamp 19 Text Stamp
wiMPText 20 Text
wiMPTextFromFile 21 Text From File
wiMPTextAttachment 22 Attach-a-Note
wiMPHand 23 Hand
wiMPSelect 24 Image Selection
wiMPHyperlink 25 Hyperlink
wiMPOcrRegion 26 OCR Zone
wiMPCustom 99 Custom pointer specified by the MouseIcon property.


The MouseIcon property must be set prior to setting the MousePointer property to 99.

Use this property to indicate changes in functionality as the mouse pointer passes over controls on a form or dialog box.  Use the Hourglass setting (11) to indicate that users should wait for a process or operation to finish.