GenerateThumb Method


Forces the generation or regeneration of the specified image’s thumbnail representation.

A Available With

Ö Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0
Ö Imaging for Windows 95 and 98
Ö Imaging for Windows NT 4.0

Applies To

Image Thumbnail control


object.GenerateThumb Option [,PageNumber]


Parameter Data Type Description

Option Integer Indicates when the Thumbnail of a specified page should be generated.  Allowable values are:
Setting Description
0 Generates a thumbnail if one has not already been obtained

Not specifying a PageNumber, or specifying a PageNumber of 0 causes all pages that have not been obtained to be generated.

1 Causes the thumbnail to be generated immediately. If the thumbnail was previously generated, a new one will be obtained.

Not specifying a PageNumber, or specifying a PageNumber of 0 causes all pages that have not been obtained to be generated.

2 Suppresses the regeneration of thumbnails while the Image property is being set. This is useful for creating a temporary file for the current image and setting the Image property to the new file name without regenerating all of the thumbnails.

Note: Once the Image property has been updated, reset this value to the previous setting so that thumbnails are updated correctly in future operations.

PageNumber Long Optional. The number of the page for which a Thumbnail is generated.  If a value is not specified, a default value of 0 (indicates ALL pages are to be generated) is used.


This method should be called to reflect any changes made to the image file after a previous thumbnail was generated.

It is not always necessary to obtain new thumbnails (Option =1). Thumbnail images that have been generated during the current session remain buffered, even though they may not be displayed.

Use caution when using a PageNumber of 0. Resulting operations can be lengthy.