FileStgLoc1x Example VC++

This example shows how to make a copy of a file being inserted into a 1.x document.

void CAdmin1Dlg::OnFilelink() 
    // Request file being inserted into a document be copied
    // to a new file in a location to be specified.
    // To specify location of the new files, use the
    // FileStgLoc1x property.
    // Second page of INSERTED DOC, will be inserted before page 3
    // of ORIG DOC.  Associated image files will be copied
    // to new randomly generated file names in directory specified.
    VARIANT evt;
    evt.vt = VT_ERROR;    // set to error for optional parameter
       FOLDER\\ORIG DOC");
       INSERTED DOC", 2, 3,1,evt,evt);