Filter Example VB

This example shows how to use the ImgAdmin Open dialog box to display a file in the Image Edit and the Thumbnail controls.

Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click() 
    'Initialize the Image property to check for Cancel pressed.
    'When the dialog box is shown, check for a value in the
    'Image property.
    ImgAdmin1.Image = ""
    'Specify a dialog title and a list filter rather than using
    'the defaults.
    ImgAdmin1.DialogTitle = "Select Image for Display"
    ImgAdmin1.Filter = "All Image Files |*.bmp; *.jpg; *.tif| 
        Bitmap Files(*.bmp)|*. bmp| JPG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|
        TIFF Files (*.tif)|*.tif|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"
    'Default filter will be TIFF (fourth item).
    ImgAdmin1.FilterIndex = 4 
    'Set the InitDir property to the preferred directory.
    ImgAdmin1.InitDir = "C:\images"
    ImgAdmin1.CancelError = False 
   'Note: If you have Server Access software installed this
   'will automatically be enabled in the Open dialog box after
   'the user authenticates.
    ImgAdmin1.ShowFileDialog OpenDlg, Form1.hWnd
    'Determine if a file was selected or cancel was pressed
    If ImgAdmin1.Image = "" Then Exit Sub 
    'Set the image properties in the Image Edit and Thumbnail controls
    'to the name of the file selected in the dialog box.
    ImgEdit1.Image = ImgAdmin1.Image
    ImgThumbnail1.Image = ImgAdmin1.Image 
    'Display the image in the Image Edit and Thumbnail control.
End Sub