Enhancement Functions

Enhancement functions improve the appearance of image documents.

If implemented in your program, end users can apply the following types of image enhancement:

Despeckling Cleans black-and-white image documents by removing small specks from them.  These small specks are typically left by copiers and fax machines.

Deskewing Straightens crooked image documents.  It is particularly useful for straightening image documents that were improperly aligned when scanned.

Cropping Removes unwanted borders from image documents.

Inverting Changes the pixels in the image document to their complimentary color, making the image look like a photographic negative.

Note: The despecking, deskewing, and cropping functions are available with Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V1.0, V1.1, and V2.0 only.  The inverting function is available with Imaging for Windows Professional Edition V2.0 only.