This example copies the area bound by a user-drawn selection rectangle to a new page.
void CImgEdit1Dlg::OnCopyPaste()
// This would copy the area bounded by a user drawn
// selection rectangle to a new page
// Global blnIsRectangle As Boolean
// The value of blnIsRectangle is set in the
// SelectionRectDrawn event
AfxMessageBox ("No rectangle drawn", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
// If no parameters specified will copy area bounded
// by rectangle
VARIANT evt; V_VT(&evt) = VT_ERROR; // set to default
// Create 8 1/2 X 11 black and white 300 dpi image
VARIANT vRes; V_VT(&vRes) = VT_I4; V_I4(&vRes) = 300;
VARIANT vPageType; V_VT(&vPageType) = VT_I2; // set to PageType for saveas
V_I2(&vPageType) = 1; // wiPageTypeBW
ImgEdit1.DisplayBlankImage(2550, 3300, vRes, vRes, vPageType);
// Reset blnIsRectangle
blnIsRectangle = FALSE;
// Paste data to new image, call CompletePaste to commit
// the paste operation