This example uses the AnnotationGroupCount property to determine the number of groups on an image. Then it uses the GetAnnotationGroup method to get the group names.
BOOL CFrmGroup::OnInitDialog()
// This routine uses AnnotationGroupCount to determine
// the number of groups on an image and then gets the
// group names using the GetAnnotationGroup method.
int iNumGroups;
CString szGroupName;
int iCount;
// find out how many groups are on the page
iNumGroups = pParentDlg->ImgEdit1.GetAnnotationGroupCount();
// Since index values of GetAnnotationGroup start with
// 0 have to loop one less than the number of groups
for (iCount = 0;iCount < iNumGroups ; iCount++)
szGroupName = pParentDlg->ImgEdit1.GetAnnotationGroup(iCount);
// write names of groups to a listbox
m_GroupList.AddString (szGroupName);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE