GetSelectedAnnotationFont Example VB

This example uses the GetSelectedAnnotationFont method to determine the font attributes of a selected annotation.  It then updates the Microsoft common dialog box to indicate the attributes obtained.

This example also uses the Microsoft common dialog box and the SetSelectedAnnotationFont method to change the font attributes of a selected annotation.

Private Sub cmdGetAnnoFont_Click()
    'This example uses the Microsoft font dialog box to
    'change a selected text annotation mark's font.
    Dim AnnoFont As IFontDisp
    Dim FontColor As OLE_COLOR
    'Determine the current font used in the selected annotation
    'mark and init the dialog box font property to that font.
    Set AnnoFont = ImgEdit1.GetSelectedAnnotationFont
    FontColor = ImgEdit1.GetSelectedAnnotationFontColor
    CommonDialog1.FontName = AnnoFont.Name
    CommonDialog1.FontBold = AnnoFont.Bold
    CommonDialog1.FontItalic = AnnoFont.Italic
    CommonDialog1.FontSize = AnnoFont.Size
    CommonDialog1.FontUnderline = AnnoFont.Underline
    CommonDialog1.FontStrikethru = AnnoFont.Strikethrough
    CommonDialog1.Color = FontColor
    CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlCFScreenFonts Or cdlCFEffects
    'Take values set in the font dialog box and set these
    'attributes in the annotation font.
    AnnoFont.Name = CommonDialog1.FontName
    AnnoFont.Bold = CommonDialog1.FontBold
    AnnoFont.Italic = CommonDialog1.FontItalic
    AnnoFont.Size = CommonDialog1.FontSize
    AnnoFont.Underline = CommonDialog1.FontUnderline
    AnnoFont.Strikethrough = CommonDialog1.FontStrikethru

    'Apply the new font and font color to the selected
    ImgEdit1.SetSelectedAnnotationFont AnnoFont
    ImgEdit1.SetSelectedAnnotationFontColor CommonDialog1.Color
End Sub