This example shows several ways to orient an image, and then redisplay it.
void CImgEdit1Dlg::OnRotate()
// An example of some of the different ways an image could
// be oriented.
// This method displays a dialog box which allows
// user to specify rotation by degrees. Repaints
// the screen automatically. Rotate all writes the
// file to disk.
ImgEdit1.Rotate(TRUE); // rotate all pages
ImgEdit1.Rotate(FALSE); // rotate current page
// Autorefresh must be set to true or must call
// Refresh after these methods.
VARIANT evt; V_VT(&evt) = VT_ERROR; // set to default
ImgEdit1.RotateLeft(evt); // defaults to 90 degrees
VARIANT vRotateAmt; V_VT(&vRotateAmt) = VT_I4; V_I4(&vRotateAmt) = 45;
ImgEdit1.RotateRight(vRotateAmt); // optionally can specify degrees
ImgEdit1.Flip(); // 180 degrees
// You must save the image to maintain orientation.